Serving the Tri-State New York area for over two decades


Mold Testing & Inspection Services
Profesional Environmental Mold Testers and Inspectors have been trained in proper sampling and identification methods for detection of microbial contaminants. They have passed comprehensive tests covering all aspects their operations.

Visual Inspection
The visual inspection is the first step in identifying possible mold contamination. The extent of water damage and mold growth is visually determined.

Types of Mold Tests
Air Samples are taken to determine if mold is present if no visible mold is evident. Samples are collected by an air pump or vacuum. Air samples are taken only in livable spaces. It is always necessary to take an outdoor control sample in order to compare the spore count outdoors with the spore count indoors.

Swab Sample- Taken when water stains or visible mold is evident.

Bulk or Tape- Taken when water stains or visible mold is evident.

Carpet Sample- Taken to discover undetected mold problems that may have been disguised by cleaning. This is done with an air pump.