Serving the Tri-State New York area for over two decadesUrban Sailing_ Manhattan_ New York - 1600x1200 - ID 42179 - PREMIUM

ACP-5 and ACP-7 Asbestos Inspections

The New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB) requires that an asbestos investigation be conducted prior to any renovation or demolition work to ensure that no asbestos will be disturbed during the construction process. The investigation is required for all projects regardless of the building’s date of construction.

PES' trained New York City Asbestos Investigators have over 20 years of experience in conducting these required inspections and will do so in a professional and timely manner in order to keep your project plans on schedule. Upon completion of survey activities, PES asbestos investigators will compile the data and prepare the necessary
ACP-5 or ACP-7 notification for filing with the NYCDOB or the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.